Nell'ambito delle sue attività di diffusione della conoscenza sui temi Marketing e Sales, SaleScience collabora con progetti in ambito europeo che vedono coinvolta l'Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) di Ancona (Marche, Italy).
The EU is a leader of global agri-food trade. Agriproducts represent 10.6% of
intra-EU trade. This calls for the pivotal role of retailers and distributors to add value through branding and marketing high quality EU agriproducts.
At present, there is no curricula in HEI to empower such market intermediaries
with the set of knowledge and competences to tackle the challenges of ever-changing global markets for agriproducts.
S.Ma.R.T is an EU project that addresses the challenge to form market intermediaries in the agri-food sector able to properly operate in global
markets, both as suppliers and buyers of high quality EU agriproducts.
To fill the gap, S.Ma.R.T will develop, test and validate and promote a 20 ECTS credit course based on a balanced mixture of classroom, e-learning, gamebased
learning and WBL, embedded in the current educational offer of 4 HEIs in 4
countries, which will be promoted and maintained for atleast three years.
I progetti non sono stati organizzati in prima persona da SaleScience, ma hanno visto la partecipazione attiva dei membri della redazione.